
THE encrypted Diptych
“who’s afraid of
the bb wolf ?”


Two complementary paintings
80 cm x 80 cm and 80 cm x 80 cm
(31,5 in x 31,5 in and 31,5 in x 31,5 in)

Acrylic on canvas
with carbon fiber

the story of this
diptych-portrait of the
”Wolf of wall street”

At the beginning of December 2022, Jean-Claude Bossel was contacted by the organizers of a Jordan Belfort conference in Geneva, scheduled for February 18, 2023.

The idea discussed with the organizers was that Bossel has to paint an original “portrait” of the “Wolf of Wall street” and that this painting has to be sold directly during the show.

The profit of the sale was supposed to be a donation for the Bossel’s educational projects, more particularly in art and mathematics.

Unfortunately, the conference was postponed and Bossel couldn’t show his diptych to Jordan Belfort nor to the audience.

Jordan Belfort
”The Wolf of Wall Street”

Announcement of a conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on February 18, 2023

Poster found on the internet


Several hidden messages are encrypted in the two paintings of the diptych “WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BB WOLF? ".

These hidden messages were encrypted using the ® CODE BACH.

Some of these hidden encrypted messages refer to different aspects of Jordan Belfort's activity in the business field.

In particular the famous sentence


sell me this pEn !
in Fiction
Two videos found on YouTube

Click on the chosen image.

sell me this pEn !
in Reality
Two videos found on YouTube

Click on the chosen image.

About the title
of this diptych

Of course, the title “WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BB WOLF ?” is a humorous reference to the famous cartoon “Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?”.

Click on the image.

some scenographies
of the diptych
”who is afraid of the bb Wolf ?”

A Reference to the
”Wolf of wall street”
in art market

Just a moment to let some fantasies rise.

An original scenography for famous Wagner's masterpiece Parsifal, Act II ?

The scene with the Flower Girls of Klingsor's Enchanted Garden ?

For example the work by British artist David Yarrow entitled “GET THE FXXX OFF MY BOAT”, California USA - 2021

Look at the three images from the personal archives of Jean-Claude Bossel during a work trip to the USA in spring 2024, accompanied by Fabienne Guyen Bossel (who took the photos).

A sunny afternoon in an art gallery in New York, June 2024.

After fantasies, holiness ?

An allegory of “Saint Francis of Assisi” ?

Speaking to wolves ?

Hi JB !

My name is also B, JB

Look at my signature on the bottom of the two paintings of the diptych “WHO IS AFRAID OF THE BB WOLF ?”

Do you want to see
other encrypted paintings
by Jean-Claude Bossel ?

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