
Jean-Claude Bossel
Swiss multi disciplinary artist
mathematician and producer

Works inspired by
classical music and dreams

Artist, mathematician and producer Jean-Claude Bossel (1957) works and exhibits in a permanent 2’000 m2 studio/space/showroom/gallery in Préverenges (West Lausanne), Switzerland.

Bossel's works are generally inspired by mathematics, Western classical music or by his own dreams.

Bossel holds

  • a master's degree in Mathematics from the University of Lausanne,

  • a diploma from the Lausanne Conservatory of Music

  • an interdisciplinary diploma of in-depth studies from the universities of Geneva and Lausanne on the theme of dreams, "altered states of consciousness" and artistic creativity.

Bossel is also the author of several mathematics books and the composer of several pieces for choirs, soloists and orchestra.

a Swiss television
portrait of
Jean-Claude Bossel

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Jean-Claude bossel’S

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